
The Memorial’s 31 rooms, among which there are exhibition rooms and shared living spaces, are distributed on three floors. These are the spaces in which the regular cultural and educational activities of the museum take place, as well as both temporary and long-lasting exhibitions are held.  



1st floor

Meet Minas Gerais’ symbol artists and the Memorial’s shared living spaces.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Cyber Lounge
Guimarães Rosa
Lygia Clark
Reading + seeing space
Sebastião Salgado
Theme Café

2nd floor

Meet the historical and cultural elements that make up Minas Gerais’ identities.

Minas Gerais People
Minas Gerais villages
Minas Gerais’ Farms
Opera House
Pantheon of Minas Gerais Politics
Rupestrian Minas Gerais
Sacred and profane Baroque
Stories of Belo Horizonte

3rd floor

Learn about Minas Gerais’ folkloric displays, handicraft and architecture, and visit the Memorial’s temporary exhibitions.

Hall of Arts
Minas Gerais’ Spectacles
Temporary Exhibition Rooms
Vale room

Praça da Liberdade, 640,
esquina com Rua Gonçalves Dias
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brasil
30140-010 – (31) 3308-4000

Entrada gratuita

Horário de funcionamento

Quarta, sexta e sábado: das 10h às 17h30, com permanência até as 18h.

Quinta, das 10h às 21h30, com permanência até as 22h.

Domingo, das 10h às 15h30, com permanência até as 16h.

Agendamento de visitas
Para mais informações ligue (31) 3343-7317