Memorial’s Educational Program

Creating dialogs at the Memorial

The Memorial’s Educational Program hosts the audiences that visit the museum – and hosting means more than just receiving. It means understanding the particularities of each group of visitors and then proposing experiences that aim to connect them to the museum collection.

Educators lead guided visits making timely interventions according to each specific audience as well as stimulating interactions with the contents of each exhibition room – objects, installation works, sounds, and images.

The Educational Program also develops and makes available theme routes for both school and non-school groups. The routes are selected showings and provide visitors with an immersive experience. Eight are the routes offered by the program: Africanities, Arts, Cartography, Literature, Mineiridades, Childhood, Republic, and Geraes Women. Get to know more about the theme routes and schedule a group visit by clicking the following link.

Whoever is visiting the Memorial may also be surprised by the timely interventions made by educators in the exhibition spaces. These provocations create dialogs and experiences between different publics and the museum.

Other Projects

The Educational Program develops actions for specific publics.

Special attention is given to the first childhood. Babies and children, as part of school groups or visiting with their families, take part in playful and sensorial activities proposed by the educators. This way they learn while playing and exploring the museum.

Universities are also an action focus. With the Educational Program’s support, theses and dissertations that deal with the Memorial’s themes and collection are transformed into exhibitions, especially created by the researchers themselves.

Meet the projects carried out by the Educational Program by clicking on this link.

Praça da Liberdade, 640,
esquina com Rua Gonçalves Dias
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brasil
30140-010 – (31) 3308-4000

Temporariamente fechado para obras de renovação.

Para mais informações ligue (31) 3343-7317