Projects and Actions

Educational initiatives

The projects developed by the Educational Program create new relations between the Memorial and its publics. The actions deal with citizenship and identities, proposing new interpretations of the cultural heritage and establishing dialogs between the museum and society.

Learn more about the Memorial’s main educational initiatives in the following lines.

New Researchers Exhibition

The New Researchers Project transforms academic theses and dissertations that deal with the Memorial’s themes and collection into exhibitions held at the museum. These are academic research works developed at institutions focused on fields such as history, social sciences, education, anthropology, literature, philosophy, geography, museology, arts, architecture and tourism.

The exhibitions are conceived by the authors themselves along with the support of the Educational Program and a guest curator. They feature materials such as objects, statements, photographs and video footage collected during the research process.

In addition to expanding the access to knowledge generated inside universities, the exhibitions propose a fresh look at it. Since 2019 Memorial has held the following exhibitions:


  • Entramos nesta casa com a bandeira na frente, by Barbara Mançanares.

Exhibition about São Bartolomeu’s Divine Holy Ghost Feast and its legacy as intangible cultural heritage.


  • Ngomas: Saravanu Tambu, by Rivaldo Felix

Exhibition about the Ngoma families found in Minas Gerais’ Candombes. Ngoma is a drum used in some Afro-Brazilian traditions.


  • Coleções de passagem, by Fernanda Coimbra

Exhibition about the construction process of personal collections with a focus on Milton Ferreira’s house, a collector from Arcos, State of Minas Gerais.


  • Bordado em Memórias, by Isabella Brandão

Exhitibion about the relation between embroidery and female education in Belo Horizonte from the 1940s to the 1960s.

  • Vozes atlânticas, by Thaís Tanure

Exhitibion about the history of two enslaved Africans brought to Brazil and pursued by the 18th-century Inquisition.


Memorial for Babies

Once a month the Educational Program offers exploration journeys for babies and their families through the spaces of the Memorial. The action provides children with sensorial experiences inside the museum’s different environments, connecting smells, sounds, and textures of the exhibited objects to the history of Minas Gerais.


Fun Vacations

What about enjoying your vacation at the Memorial? In January and July Memorial’s educators and artists from different fields offer theme workshops for all ages. There are several topics such as origami, drawing, manga, cardboard toys, music and many others.


Open Educational Program

The Open Educational Program is an innovative internship program in which the student is responsible for defining his/her own work and learning routine. And best of all: with a purpose.

Created in 2019 the program targets graduation students who are willing to create and carry out projects related to the museum’s themes and collection, and targeted at public schools.

Selection is done based on proposals submitted by graduating students. The selected candidates put their ideas into practice at the museum with the support of the Educational Program Team.

By doing so, the Open Educational Program connects universities and the Memorial in order to provide unprecedented experiences to students as well as to the public.


Itinerant Memorial

The itinerant shows bring together theme displays selected from the Memorial’s collection and take them to cities in the interior where they are exhibited for free. These itinerant exhibitions democratize and expand the access to museums.

Along with the shows, this project holds meetings with local educators, teachers and cultural agents so as to raise theme discussions.


Since 2015 the itinerant show Africanities has been held in nine different cities in the interior of the State of Minas Gerais. The exhibition gathers paintings, video works and other pieces from the Memorial’s collection related to Blackness and ethno-racial issues.


The itinerant show Mineiridades explores the identities of those born in Minas Gerais. The exhibition gathers objects and materials that can be seen in the following rooms at the Memorial: Minas Gerais’ Baroque, Minas Gerais’ Farms, Ways and Unways, and Jequitinhonha Valley.  

The show integrates historical and traditional elements of the cities, thus valuing the local culture. Since 2016 the itinerant show has already visited 12 cities in the State.


Educators Meeting

The Memorial holds monthly meetings bringing together educators and the like who are interested in learning about the educational work developed by the museum.

These are moments for the shared exploration of the collection and the discussion about the relations between culture, schools and museums. The goal is to exchange experiences and to propose new dialogs between the Memorial and school communities.

Praça da Liberdade, 640,
esquina com Rua Gonçalves Dias
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brasil
30140-010 – (31) 3308-4000

Temporariamente fechado para obras de renovação.

Para mais informações ligue (31) 3343-7317